WARRANTY: All workmanship, products and materials shall be warranted against failure and delamination from substrate for the period exhibited on our Statement-of-Work. If any manufacturer or workmanship related failure occurs during the warranty period the defect shall be repaired or replaced limited to the defective area at no cost to the customer. If products and systems have been installed in conditions either less than 55 degrees Fahrenheit or in excess of 85 degrees Fahrenheit due to timeline or operational requirements of the customer this warranty may not be honored. The manufacturers’ warranty requires the logging and recording of the recommended Preventative Maintenance procedures to ensure the installation has been upheld and maintained properly throughout the duration of the warranty period.
Warrantee repair shall not be performed until all outstanding invoices are paid. This warranty excludes any special, incidental or consequential damages. In no event shall liability exceed, in dollar value, the installed contract price.
The following are exceptions and exclusions:
- Damages resulting from earthquake movement, ambering, hurricanes or flooding.
- Damages resulting from hydrophobic or moisture vapor intrusion in excess of 20 pounds per 1000 square feet per 24-hour period (Core Test Required).
- Damages incurred by building alteration or defective structure (leaks, slab movement, etc.)
- Damages caused by others, such as scratching or gouging.
- Cracking caused by unsettled and/or untreated substrates or expansion joints.
- Cracking caused by existing and expanding cracks
- Damages incurred by other on-site contractors.
- Other generally recognized acts of God.